Authenticity Guarantee

All products sold on are guaranteed authentic.

 All products are new, authentic, and ship with their original serial numbers. They are NOT factory seconds or replica products. We source our goods via authorized dealers or respected industry wholesalers/distributors – who also assure/guarantee that the products are genuine. These products are imports from other markets and are imported by, and/or for Rudimental Luxury. This method of purchasing is commonly known as parallel importing.


What Is Parallel Importing?

“Parallel importing” allows retailers, wholesalers and other parties to goods potentially subject to intellectual property rights directly from overseas sources, rather than dealing with local suppliers, licensees or agents. The intent of parallel importing is to allow for the highly competitive discounting of the goods in question. Parallel imports are goods that are manufactured and put into circulation in another country either by, or with the consent of, the owner of the applicable intellectual property rights.


Rudimental Luxury makes every effort to inform consumers about the fact that goods sold by it are not provided by Indian authorized distributors, but, despite this fact, are GENUINE and were MANUFACTURED BY THE SPECIFIC MANUFACTURER under consideration. By providing this full disclosure to its customers, Rudimental Luxury is able to pass on significant discounts to which we believe our customers are entitled in accordance with free-trade principles. Furthermore, parallel importing is legal, but may in certain circumstances render the manufacturer’s warranty void, therefore Rudimental Luxury offers its customers their own warranty. This warranty is provided by, and serviced solely by Rudimental Luxury and NOT the original manufacturer, or their authorized distributors, agents, etc.

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